剛剛去查資料,發現每到節日會換 logo 樣式的 Google 換一個新的 logo 樣式,本來還在想今天是啥日子,後來才想到是 Google 生日囉!
Google 九歲囉!
When is Google's birthday?
Google opened its doors in September 1998. The exact date when we celebrate our birthday has moved around over the years, depending on when people feel like having cake. For more on Google's history:
想想 Google 從一開始的搜尋引擎,到現在幾乎快要連去探索月球 都要包下來了,成長真是快呀!
可是 M$ 的殷鑑不遠,不知道會不會改天換成 Google 獨大而壟斷呀!真的是有點令人擔心!